Section 8.1 Definitions and Theorems
Given a graph, a cycle is a circuit with no repeated edges. A tree is a connected graph with no cycles. A graph with no cycles and not necessarily connected is called a forest.
Let \(G = (M, E)\) be a graph. The following are all equivalent:
- \(G\) is a tree.
- For each pair of distinct vertices, there exists a unique path between them.
- \(G\) is connected, and if \(e \in E\) then the graph \((V, E - {e})\) is disconnected.
- \(G\) contains no cycles, but by adding one edge, you create a cycle.
- \(G\) is connected and \(|E| = |v| - 1\text{.}\)
Let’s explore the following graph:
Let’s ask Sage if this graph is a tree.
If we remove an edge, we can see that the graph is no longer a tree.
However, we can see that the graph is still a forest.
If we add an edge, we can see that the graph contains a cycle and is no longer a tree.