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Discrete Math with SageMath: Learn math with open-source software

Index Index

antisymmetric, Subsection
arithmetic operators, Subsection
assignment operator, Subsection
binomial, Subsection
binomial coefficients, Subsection
bipartite, Section
Boolean Algebra, Section
Boolean functions, Section
Breadth-first search, Section
cardinality, Section
combination, Subsection
connected, Section
contradiction, Subsection
cycle, Section
data types
boolean, Section
dictionary, Section
integer, Section
list, Section
set (Python), Section
Set (Sage), Subsection
string, Section
symbolic, Section
tuple, Section
diameter, Section
digraph, Section
dodecahedron, Subsection
equality operator, Subsection
equivalence, Section
error message, Section
Euler circuit, Subsection
Euler path, Subsection
factorial, Subsection
Fibonacci, Subsection
forest, Section
functions (math), Section
functions (programming), Section
graph plotting
edge color, Section
edge style, Section
figsize, Section Section
layout, Section
vertex color, Section
vertex size, Section
add edge, Subsection
add vertex, Subsection
adjacency matrix, Subsection
arcs, Subsection
degree, Subsection
delete vertex, Subsection
edges, Subsection
graph definition, Subsection
incidence matrix, Subsection
links, Subsection
nodes, Subsection
order, Subsection
remove vertex, Subsection
size, Subsection
vertices, Subsection
weighted, Subsection
Hamilton circuit, Subsection
Hamilton path, Subsection
Hamiltonian cycle, Subsection
Hasse diagram, Section
identifiers, Subsection
isomorphism, Section
for loop, Section
list comprehension, Section
join, Subsection
join matrix, Subsection
lattice, Section
logical operators
and, Section
biconditional, Section
conditional, Section
not, Section
or, Section
meet, Subsection
meet matrix, Subsection
minimal spanning tree, Section
NP-hard, Subsection
partial order, Section
path, Section
permutation, Subsection
poset, Section
Prim’s algorithm, Section
recursion, Section
reflexive, Subsection
relation, Section
run code
CoCalc, Section
Jupyter Notebook, Section
local, Section
SageMath worksheets, Section
search algorithms, Section
sequence, Subsection
set operations
Cartesian product, Subsection
compliment, Subsection
difference, Subsection
intersection, Subsection
power set, Subsection
union, Subsection
spanning subgraph, Section
spanning tree, Section
state machines
definition, Subsection
model, Section
subgraph, Section
symmetric, Subsection
tautology, Subsection
transitive, Subsection
traveling salesperson, Subsection
tree, Section
truth table, Section